SweetFeet is a home kennel of Havanese dogs
registered in the Polish Kennel Club (ZKwP) and in Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI). The community of SweetFeet forms the seventh living beings, ie. elders (Jacek and Monika – it’s me), children (Christopher and Bartosz), ZygZag – cat, NELA Pilosus – our lovely havanese bitch, her first daughter – AURA Sweet Feet and BADDY SWEET Cetya – handsome havanese boy imported from Czech Republic. This is the order in which family members appeared in the world.
It was long time ago when we decided that one day to the family join the cat, and later – the dog. Children dreamed of a cheerful play companion. Dad Jacek knew he didn’t want a dog as small as a cat. And mother (it’s me) knew that it must be a dog being that will immediately take our hearts and that we can take with us when any trip from home happens. From all this mix, for the dad, who has seen his imagination with himself a dog matching the attitude of the guy in the type of “bear” – Havanese was a total “return in action”. And probably that is why the bond existing between dad and NELA is the strongest in the house relationship on the line “pet – man” 🙂
Arriving at the house was a family escapade, during which we defeated in one day close to 1000 km. The purpose of the journey was Pilosus kennel carried out by a loving Havanese Mrs Wiesia. It was worth it. Together with NELA, a new portion of joy came to us, the fulfillment of every free moment, an effective stimulator of walks, and most importantly – a lesson of true devotion and fidelity to those who dedicate this little creature the most of his time. The enormous charge of positive feelings and emotions that comes to our life with the Havanese has resulted in the decision to start home breeding for dogs of this breed.
Just at the beginning of the road, we already had a clear assumption: surely there will be few of us, and to be more precisely – each of our animals will live at home and participate in our everyday lives as NELA does now.
Becasue we fell deeply into this wonderful, warm, sothing relationship, we are at the next stage of the breeding journey. We welcomed the first NELA’s children – AURA Sweet Feet, ALF Sweet Feet and ARCHI Sweet Feet.
Looking for stud dog for NELA’s first date, we again came to Mrs. Wiesia and her kennel. PHOENIX Pilosus became the daddy of the first puppies’ litter born in our SweetFeet kennel.
We proudly present our first havanese children:
We invite you to surf on the website, to like the breeding profile of SweetFeet on Facebook and watching videos from the life of Sweetfeets on Youtube.